Due to Australian Drug Administration legislation the brand name of these products cannot be advertised.
Consultation Fee: From $50 to $90 and will be deducted from treatment fees.
Anti Wrinkle Treatments
Deep lines and wrinkles develop on our faces as we grow older. These lines are caused by gravity, repetitive muscular action and sun damage. The reduction of the appearance of these lines and wrinkles can help you maintain a more youthful appearance and reduce the visible signs of ageing. The injectable anti–wrinkle treatment is a fast, simple procedure which produces dramatic results and has few side effects.
The safety profile of the injectable anti–wrinkle treatment is considered to be excellent and has been used for patients with various conditions for over 15 years across 60 countries.
Dermal Fillers
There are a range of injectable preparations available to correct wrinkles and facial lines, which generally only take minutes to complete. They are often combined with anti–wrinkle injections for the best effect. The product is injected into the skin to elevate depressions such as scars or lines associated with ageing. It is a simple, non–surgical non–invasive procedure that can be completed within 15–30 minutes depending on your particular needs.
Fillers can be used to enhance and define lips and soften various lines on the face including: frown lines; crows feet; worry lines on the forehead and lines around the mouth and nose.
Lip Enhancement
Unfortunately not everyone is blessed with beautiful full lips. Lip enhancement is one of the most popular and commonly requested treatments. There are now a wide range of options available to patients looking for solutions in this area. The lips are perhaps the most sensuous of the facial features. No wonder then that full lips are considered attractive and desirable.
Enhancing lip fullness is a common procedure – the most common method is the injection of dermal fillers, which produces excellent results. There is no downtime and you can return to work or leisure right away. The fullness slowly decreases over a period of 6 months as the injection is absorbed by the body. Some clients can experience an even longer lastin result. Regular top ups of the injections are therefore required.
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